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Forum Posts

Automation triggered X hours ahead of appointment time

I run an appointment system on Airtable and am looking to send reminders a few hours ahead of upcoming meetings.For example, a meeting is scheduled for 2pm on June 24th, therefore by 12pm on June 24th, I'd like a reminder email sent out.Which Automat...

Automation when DATE is Today - Change Time

I have a "Send an email" automation set up with the trigger "when {{Date field}} is one week from now."It's working great, except the emails are going out just after midnight. I'd prefer them to go around 9am. I have added a time to my date field, bu...

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sam-lsf-lst by 5 - Automation Enthusiast
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Conditional Automation of fields between dates

Hello!I have created a table view based off my main table to keep track of my drivers working hours. Legislation requires me to input something for each date, so on days they are off I have to write "Off". I have it set up that they fill out a form, ...

Retrieving the most recent date

Hello! I am creating a field for event attendees. I have each attendee's name, the events they attended, and the dates of the events they attended separated into 3 columns. I would like to make a fourth column that retrieves the most recent date each...

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ccody by 4 - Data Explorer
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Resolved! Automated Google Calendar End Date ends a day early

I have an automation set up to add an event to my google calendar. It is working fine except, the end date it shows on the calendar is showing up the day before it ends. I have the events with no time listed because i do not want a specific start and...

Resolved! Updating Status After Time Period

Hi, I have been having problems with this for weeks now and cannot understand why my automation is not working. I work for a company that runs an appointment based service. I book the date it  is for and the status of it. When I put in the info, it i...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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update item status when expiration_date < today()

Hi, I have an item status field the contains the values active, expired, and delete. in addition, I have another calculated field that contains the expiration date of the item. I want to set an automation that will run daily and change item status to...

almogw by 4 - Data Explorer
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